Odor Mitigation, In-Tank
Tank Odors From Reuse Water Is No Longer A Problem
By introducing and/or circulating existing dissolved oxygen throughout the tank, BOD and sludge accumalations are reduced which in turn can keep odors at bay. Mixing also creates a more uniform water column which can be pivotable if the water is on its way for additional treatment down the line.
If sulfides are the problem, good mixing will help de-gas and stabilize any odors before leaving the tank. This is very important in situation where the water is used for in-field applications such as irrigation. By taking care of the H2S in the tank before it leaves, you effectively stop any smells raining down from your sprinklers.
Keeping reuse water quality in the tank at its best means Customers and users down the line can be at their best.
GridBee® / SolarBee® have multiple equipment series ready to fit your exact need.
Please explore "Related Equipment" to find out which machines can help!
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