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Ixom Watercare "Gold Star" Customer Comments

gold star iconIxom Watercare works hard to provide the best water quality improvement solutions with the best service & support in the industry. Here are some of what we call "Gold Star Comments".


100% Satisfied –AC, West Virgina

"We are 100% satisfied with the service provided by SolarBee and are impressed with how they went the extra mile."

Decreased Chemical Usage –JB, Texas

"Our staff is very pleased with the performance of this system, especially with the overall decrease in chemical usage at both the reservoir and Plant #1. The SolarBee will pay for itself in roughly 2-3 years!" We've completely gotten away from using copper sulfate at the reservoir, and we've also noticed a gradual decrease in the amount of chemicals we've needed to use at our Plant #1." I just wanted to let you know how happy we are with our SolarBee that you set up at our raw water reservoir."

Doing An Awesome Job –SH, California

"The Solar Bees are doing an awesome job. I as a homeowner am so glad the association invested in your product. Wow, what a difference it has made in the water quality!"

Freshest Water –GD, California

"SolarBee's in our lakes and water tanks puts the freshest water in our glasses."

We Are Thrilled With SolarBee –GC, Arkansas

"We are thrilled with the SolarBee! We were having smell issues this summer. We made a minor adjustment in July where we raised our intake by one foot while we lowered the SolarBee intake by one foot. As soon as this was done, the smell issues went away."

A Pleasure To Work With –GB, New York

"It has been a pleasure to work with the SolarBee crews on their many trips here over the last couple years."

Working Excellent -SG, Arizona

"Our [SolarBee] units are working excellent in our effluent storage basins."

Wonderful Experience –IP, Texas

"The SolarBee technicians could not have been more professional and generous with their knowledge and strength. Working with SolarBee has been a wonderful experience."

Professional & Knowledgeable Crew –DS, Pennsylvania

"The SolarBee crew was very professional, well prepared, and very knowledgeable."

Great Crew –MD, Washington

"Thanks for sending a crew to fix our problems. They did a great job. Everything has been fixed and we appreciate their efforts. They weren't going to quit until they got it done. At a time when we are normally starting to show algae, there virtually has been none. We've had the SolarBee units for a year and a half and have experienced no algae. Your customer service has been great. Your crew did a great job."

Knocked THeM Out -PG, California

"Your system knocked the heck out of our THM’s."

Great Products! -JH, Idaho

"Great products and installation was a breeze."

Should Have Started With SolarBee –KG, Colorado

"We should have went with a SolarBee to begin with." (A competitive product was removed and replaced with SolarBee.)

Consistent Water Quality –SG, Iowa

"With the SolarBees, our water quality has been consistent and the turbidity has dropped from 20 NTUs to 7-10 NTUs."

Extremely Pleased –RH, Oregon

"We are extremely pleased with the results achieved in Manganese reduction in our raw water reservoir this September. The decline being nearly linear shows that the reduction was caused by the SolarBee gradually oxidizing the water."

Water Clarity Is 8 ft –MW, California

"The water clarity is 8 ft; that's awesome! We would be happy to serve as a positive reference for SolarBee."

Like An Aquarium –DB, California

"We now have the cleanest and best looking water I have ever seen in the lake! It is like an aquarium."

Positive Impacts –PH, California

"We are very pleased with SolarBees and their positive impacts on our water system storage facilities. We are very happy with your service."

Great Job Circulating –BW, Illinois

"The SolarBees are doing a great job of circulating the water and eliminating the thermocline!"

Saved Us Thousands –SS, Ohio

"The SolarBee installation in our new WWTP has worked great this year. It has saved us thousands of dollars from the alternative plan we were looking at before installing SolarBees."

Value SolarBees –JF, Texas

"We value our SolarBees, and we are impressed with their performance."

Very Happy –TC, California

"Our operators are very happy with the six SolarBees installed for the county this summer! They have not had to boost since the installation. They cannot believe it! In the past they have had to boost every 1-2 weeks."

Thank You! –BH, Colorado

"Thank you. Your thorough service and your continued interest in our SolarBee project is top shelf!"

Clear Enough To See The Bottom –JC, Oregon

"This is the first summer in quite a few years that I have been able to take my kids swimming up here. Normally at this time of the year there are green balls of gunk floating around. The shoreline is pretty clean this summer. In the past the lake had stinking moss on the edges and now the water is clear enough that I am able to see the bottom off the dock."

Ready To Install Additonal Mixers –RG, California

"The City has been very pleased with the chlorine residual improvements in the vicinity of our tanks where we installed the two GS-12's. We are ready to install 3 additional mixers."

The Crew Works Hard –MV, New Mexico

"The crew arrived this morning had the installation completed by early afternoon. I compliment them on their hard work and professionalism. Anyone else would of stopped work because of the rain, not them. I really appreciate what they did for our installation."

Professional & Informative –DN, Texas

"We want to take this time to commend your service crew on the work they did on our SolarBee. They were professional and informative. Our staff is pleased; thank you! "

Reduced Electric Bills –JD, West Virginia

"Since the SolarBees were installed, we have seen the best water color in all our years as an operator and our electric bills are a third of what they had been."

Great Customer Service Skills! -QJ, California

"I very much appreciate the expedient service we received...great customer service skills!"

Best Service Staff –ES, Florida

"Your company has some of the best service staff of any company around! We really appreciate all the great work that SolarBee does for us!"

Pond Is Looking Good! –LV, Texas

"Our pond had been suffering from filamentous algae. After the new GridBee units were installed the filamentous algae started bunching up and dying off quickly. The water in the pond is really looking good!"

Exemplary Service -JB, Oklahoma

"In business it’s sometimes easy to point out what’s not right, and to take good service for granted. So, I wanted to take a moment to let you know what exemplary service [Medora] is providing us. [Your] efforts are appreciated."

Doing Excellent -KB, New York

"The SolarBee is doing excellent and we absolutely have no complaints! Thanks for reaching out!"

SolarBees Are Working Great –DC, Kansas

"The SolarBee machines are working really great, they have never gone out of compliance. We also like that we have a service contract because the crews check on the units and the contract extends the warranty at the same time."

The SolarBees Have Served Us Well! -SG, Arizona

"We appreciate the courtesy service on the SolarBee's. The units have served us well since they were put into service, with only minor maintenance required."

Cleared Up Water –GM, Connecticut

"The water has cleared up so well that we found a missing car in the pond's bottom that was stolen eight years ago."

Dedicated Organization –GH, California

"We truly appreciate your commitment and assistance in helping us resolve the lake water quality issues and it has been extremely refreshing and encouraging in working with an organization that is so dedicated to achieve that goal."

Excellent Service & Support –BJ, Georgia

"Please thank SolarBee for their excellent service and support. Your staff is very professional and competent."

Reduced Algae Blooms –DF, Oregon

"Our algae blooms are greatly reduced. Our pH has increased in stability and we are able to discharge much more of the time. Odors are greatly reduced, especially when we have a spring thaw."

No Ice In The Tank –NW, Illinois

"The operator reported last night that within a couple of days there was a 15-foot open water space above the mixer and that as of yesterday there was no ice in the tank. The mixer definitely did its job."

Rare To Find This Level Of Support –CG, Michigan

"It's rare to find the product support and level of customer service provided by SolarBee."

No Compliance Problems –MM, Indiana

"We are very happy with the SolarBees in our wastewater system. There have been no compliance problems since the SolarBees have been installed."

Removed A Scum Layer –S, Arkansas

"This is our first AP500 installation. In 6 hours it has almost completely removed a foot thick scum layer. When we attempted to lower the unit through the scum, it wouldn't go through. It rested on top. The only way to get it down was to turn it on and let it work itself down. We are impressed."

We Love SolarBees –MB, Illinois

"We love our SolarBees!"

Very Impressed –CV, Tennessee

"We attended the SolarBee installation and were very impressed. We enjoyed being able to view the installation first hand. We appreciated the SolarBee employees who were on hand during the installation. They were very helpful and good representatives of SolarBee. Their professionalism on site was impressive and we cannot thank them enough for making our experience a pleasurable one."

Phenomenal –PN, Connecticut

"The job your crew did to accommodate our special circumstances was absolutely phenomenal."

Amazing To Look At –MY, New York

Regarding SolarBee's impact on biofilm on the tank interior: "The tank is empty now and they are cleaning as we speak. The sides of the tank are very clean and we are down to about 1/2 to 1 inch of debris in the bottom. It is amazing to look at what is in the tank now, compared to what was there pre-SolarBee. "

We Love The Mixers! -PE, Minnesota

"We absolutely love the mixers and they are working very well!"

Working As Advertised –MC, Washington

"We installed the GS-9 ourselves in 1 hour. Very complete kit and great instructions! The mixers are working as advertised!"

No More Odors –OT, California

"We are extremely happy with the performance of the (2) AP7000s in our clarifier at the potable water treatment plant. There is no longer any "fishy smell" or bad odors during the back washing of the filters. We feel we may have less taste & odor events in the future because of the AP mixers."

Reduced Cyanobacteria Counts –BC, Massachusetts

"The latest Secchi disk readings from yesterday varied from 1.2 - 1.4 meters, or about 4-5 feet. Prior readings showing water clarity were rarely greater than one ft. Cyanobacteria counts are reduced substantially, and microcystin counts are less than 1 ppb. Residents are saying that there are no odors (Unlike before). Elderly residents are saying they are pleased to see their grand-kids swim in a lake that was as good as when they were children."

High Quality –RG, Oregon

"The SolarBee unit performed remarkably. The high quality, professional SolarBee staff was great."

Controlling Odors –PL, Michigan

"We are very happy with the SolarBees for controlling odors in the primary ponds. We now have a phosphorus limit of 1.0 and plan to use SolarBees to add chemical to reduce phosphorus before discharge."

First Class Company –DR, Ohio

"I must tell you that your company is first class in the way you handle the customers, including the service guys. ALL of them are very responsive and polite and they seem to take their work very seriously!"

Greatly Improved –PV, Arkansas

"The SolarBee's have definitely reduced the blue green algae in the lake. We are using less carbon since the SolarBees where installed. The lake is greatly improved."

Greater Clarity –MO, California

"We saw greater clarity almost immediately."

Flawless Service –LW, New Mexico

"We do appreciate the service that SolarBee has provided on our units. They have done everything we expected of them and your companies service/assistance has been flawless."

Substantial Savings –RP, Pennsylvania

"Our constant discharge effluent into a stream is the cleanest it has ever been. Our state no longer requires water samples on the weekends like we had to do before installation of the SolarBees. We have seen substantial savings in electrical energy costs since the SolarBee installation."

Surprised & Amazed -CJ, Minnesota

"To say I am surprised that there was no ice in the three tanks would be an understatement. And the fact we removed virtually all the ice from an iced over tank in three days of running is amazing."

Reduced THMs By 50% –RS, Colorado

"Our THM’s are 50% of what they were prior to the SolarBee installation. We have not had any ice issues and there are other improvements."

Safe & Professional Crew –DG, California

"Your crew was out last week at our Reservoir 2. I just wanted to let you know I was very impressed with their safety and professionalism."

Fantastic! -GT, Alaska

"The SolarBee in our lake worked fantastically. It is a well designed and engineered machine."

Successful Installation -RM, New York

"Everyone I have worked with has been knowledgeable, friendly, professional and confident with their expertise of your products. I look forward to working with you again."

Over 30 SolarBees –MH, California

"Our system consists of some 37 SolarBee installations. We have had no nitrification events this season. This hugely important! It is primarily due to frequent monitoring, mixing and boosting when necessary."

We Are Happy -RR, Minnesota

"THM results for the 3rd quarter were about 50% less. We will meet the compliance standards of the Stage 2 Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule (D/DBPR) without any major capital improvements. My thanks to all of the SolarBee staff. We are a happy customer."

Want To Buy More –DR, California

"We have nothing but good things to say about the SolarBees in our lake. This is our 4th unit and we want to buy more."

The City Is Pleased –AM, New York

"We presented the data to the Board last week and the City is very pleased with the results of the GS-12. You will be very pleased when we send the data."

Always A Pleasure... -RR, Minnesota

"Always a pleasure to work with a manufacturer that is reachable and willing to help."

Well Mixed Water No Nitrification –M, California

"The SolarBees are working great with water sampling showing that the water is well mixed with no nitrification!"

SolarBee Saved Us -VG, Texas

"The SolarBee units saved us the last two years!"

Doing A Great Job! –RL, Montana

"The Solarbees are doing a great job! The lake is clear and has tested very well."

Thanks For Checking –SM, Illinois

"Thanks for checking on our equipment. It says volumes about your customer service, that is so lacking from many of today's firms."

Chlorine Usage Dropped 50% –RN,California

"The amount of chlorine usage for the recycled water tanks dropped 50% after the installation of the SolarBees."

More Zooplankton –DB, California

"Excellent! I am seeing more zooplankton than ever before. In the past we have had clear water this time of year - but it was due to a blue algae die off and the fish were skinny. There was no zooplankton - very unhealthy. We would also be subject to severe filament algae blooms. This does not occur anymore - we have clean water that is healthy and the fish are flourishing!"

Hard Working Crew –JL, Wisconsin

"Your service crew are hard workers. Their knowledge in repairing the SolarBees was excellent. They are a valuable asset to SolarBee and to their customers."

Haven't Added Copper –KC, Arkansas

"We were adding 600-700 lbs of copper sulfate per week from June through September before the SolarBees were installed. We haven't added any copper sulfate since the installation."

Gold Stars Around –KN, Oregon

"The SolarBee has been running great even during these darkest days of the year. We would give SolarBee 'gold stars around.' We are particularly happy with the service we have received over the years, and would be more than happy to share our positive experience with SolarBee."

Best Secchi Measurements In Years –AW, Massachusetts

"We had a very good summer, best Secchi disk measurements in many years (1.5m). Looking very good."

Appreciative For The Help- LV, Wisconsin

"I appreciate the time you've taken and your company's willingness to stand behind its product. It's one of the reasons I recommend your mixers to others."

The Crew Is Unmatched –TC, Pennsylvania

"The Crew's attitude toward their job, your product and your company is unmatched. The whole operation from start to finish was professional, educational, and fun. It is very rare to find all those ingredients all on the same project."

An Exceptional Job –JZ, Wyoming

"Thanks for getting Steve back up here to fix our glitches. He is great to work with and did an exceptional job! Please pass that on to the powers that be!"

Reduced Chlorine Boosting –SS, Nevada

"We are very happy with the SolarBee and GridBee units' performance in reducing our chlorine boosting needs and meeting our THM limits."

FOG Reduction & Fewer Clogs! -NS, Washington

Here is a before and after pic of the wet well. You can see there is a reduction of FOG build up in the wet well and they also have fewer clogging issues with the pumps!

Happy & Impressed –GL, California

"We are very happy and impressed with SolarBee. They have completely turned around one of our worst tanks."

Very Satisfied –ML, California

"We are very satisfied with the SolarBees. We now only have to spot treat the pond 2-3 times a year for duckweed in small areas around the edge."

Unmatched Dedication –JH, Louisiana

"We haven't had a recurrence of hypertrophy since installation! The dedication to your product, and more importantly your customers, is absolutely unmatched by any service provider that I have dealt with in my professional career."

Thanks for a job well done! -SG, New York

"I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that it was a pleasure working with you and the crew at Medora. You guys have been very responsive to our many requests and questions. In addition your field crew did a great job installing the mixer. It was impressive to see how careful they were protecting the equipment and materials they hoisted to the top of the tank so they didn't scratch the paint. Thanks again for a job well done."

Project Success! –AP, Ohio

"We are very pleased with the THM test results to date along with the operation of the SolarBee system. We have attached sheets that includes all THM testing to date. We are extremely happy with the test results for the 3rd quarter. I am now convinced we have a system that will help the village comply with Stage 2 THM rules. Thanks to all that made this project a success!"

60% Energy Savings –DS, Pennsylvania

"We have seen a huge energy savings; about 60%. Our electric bill has gone from $3,000 to $1,200. We are interested in purchasing more units."

Top Notch -CD, Kentucky

"Thank you for your prompt assistance and top notch service."

We Are Very Happy –RP, Colorado

"The south pond was running 4 days before we got the North pond running and in that time we evaporated 0.75" in the North Pond and 1.75" in the South Pond. In each pond that equates to 27 truck loads of 4365 gallons = 117,855 gallons. We are very happy at this time !!

Best Safety Procedures –RQ, Nevada

"SolarBee has the best installation and safety procedures in place of any vendor we have ever seen. Your crews are way above any vendor! We are very happy with the SolarBee units. Your technology is ahead of everyone." This comments reflects on some 20 installations in this area.

No Icing Problems –SC, Michigan

"Our tower is too small to lower the level much during the winter. Because we use the height of the water for pressure, we need to keep it as full as possible. Plus, lowering the water level compromised fire flow capacity. As a result, ice cakes were formed in the tank every winter. After installing the GS-12 mixer, I was able to keep the tank full during the winter with no icing problems."

Less Copper Usage –CK, New Mexico

"We are pleased with the operation and performance of the SolarBee. We use substantially less copper sulfate since its installation. High doses of copper sulfate are detrimental to fish population--we no longer have this problem."

Positive Experiences -DR, Minnesota

"Every single contact with you folks has been positive and I look forward to our future dealings!"

Increased Wildlife –NP, New York

"The pond now "looks great!" There is no evidence of any green slime on the pond surface, which was thick this time last year. We are also seeing an increase in wildlife; frogs, birds, birds of prey. The pond was a smelly stagnant eyesore last year, but not this year."

Outstanding! -GB, Colorado

"We appreciate Medora's outstanding customer service and follow ups".

The SolarBee Made It Through The Hurricane, Thoroughly Impressed- SP, Florida

On September 10th, 2017, Hurricane Irma (known here un-affectionately as Big Irma) blew at a recorded 142 mph very near our SB10000. On September 12th I drove by the SB10000 location and noted that the machine had dragged its moorings a few dozen feet toward the west but was still operating as if nothing happened. I have to say how thoroughly impressed I am with the design and quality of your product.

Very Appreciated! –DC, Minnesota

"Thank You for the complimentary service. We don't know of anyone that comes out at the time when the warranties expire and replaces worn components to assure optimum life. Very generous and appreciated!"

Good Quality Even At Low Levels –DL, California

"We have had very good water quality even with low levels. We have had very good deep DO which we never had before. We are very happy with the SolarBee installations."