Water Treatment & Distribution • Wastewater Collections & Treatment • Lakes & Source Water • Stormwater & Reuse

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Ixom Watercare helps people across the water industry achieve reliable process improvement and water quality compliance with premier technologies including MIEX®, GridBee®, SolarBee®, and ResidualHQ®. Some of these solutions include:

Water Treatment & Distribution: Disinfection By-Product Mitigation & Removal, Disinfectant Monitoring & Control, PFAS Removal, Clearwell & Distribution Tank Mixing

Lakes & Source Water Reservoirs: Cyanobacteria Mitigation, Taste & Odor Control, Iron & Manganese, H2S Degassing

Wastewater Treatment: Energy Saving Aeration & Mixing Systems, Solids Suspension, Odor & Sludge Control

Wastewater Collections: Pump Station Wet Well Mixing

We combine innovative solutions with top notch manufacturing and nationwide in-field service capabilities to create trusted, full circle support our Customers depend on. Ixom Watercare has thousands of installations and are a trusted industry-leader solving water quality problems across the United States, Canada and the world.

Contact us today to discuss your water quality challenges.

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Some Of What We Do

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What our customers are saying...

A Pleasure To Work With –GB, New York

"It has been a pleasure to work with the SolarBee crews on their many trips here over the last couple years."

Saved Us Thousands –SS, Ohio

"The SolarBee installation in our new WWTP has worked great this year. It has saved us thousands of dollars from the alternative plan we were looking at before installing SolarBees."

We Are Happy -RR, Minnesota

"THM results for the 3rd quarter were about 50% less. We will meet the compliance standards of the Stage 2 Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule (D/DBPR) without any major capital improvements. My thanks to all of the SolarBee staff. We are a happy customer."

We Are Tickled Pink –MO, California

"We are 'tickled pink' about the SB10000v12 unit that we just installed in our secondary WWTP. We are already seeing a big difference. They are running very well and we are seeing greater clarity."

No Copper Sulfate Since SolarBee –VL, New York

"We used to use "tons" of copper sulfate in treatment and now we do not use any. Actually, we have not used any copper sulfate since the SolarBee's were installed."

No Shoreline Slime –JJ, Georgia

"We are very happy with the SolarBees. There is no green slime along the shoreline. This is a major difference that we attribute entirely to the SolarBees. We would gladly serve as a positive reference for SolarBee."

Efficient & Professional –JC, California

"The installation went very well and the installation team from SolarBee was very efficient and professional."

Ponds Working Better Than Ever –MS, California

"The system is working great/purring along. We are very happy with the sludge reduction, and we are also seeing the DO continue to come up in the ponds. The ponds appear to be working better than they ever have."