Duckweed & Wastewater Ponds, Mitigation Options
Duckweed in wastewater ponds can be tough to get rid of. A pond over run by duckweed can cause a host of processing problems that many people may not realize and it is in the best interest of any wastewater system to minimize duckweed impacts. No one method is a cure all for every application. Sometimes it takes a combination of strategies to keep duckweed at bay.
Mixing and circulation have had some success by itself in colder, northern climates where a seasonal die-off occurs. In warmer, southern climates where a seasonal die-off does not occur, a combination of control methods will likely be needed. And there are a host of other factors that work together to determine success or not. The key is to be vigilant and work to find strategies that work for your given set of circumstances
If duckweed is a problem in your wastewater pond, the informational bulletin below should help you identify available mitigation strategies. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your application further, please contact us.
Posted By The GridBee® SolarBee® Team