In The Mix E-Newsletter- March / April 2020

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In This Issue

icon bullet point with Ixom Watercare fractle

The MIEX® Mini

Fluidized Ion Exchange Pretreatment Specifically Designed for Smaller Packaged Plants

icon bullet point with Ixom Watercare fractle

SolarBee® & AerationPlus© Active Circulation For Lakes

Lake Learning Materials & Videos

Quick and easy information to help you understand & improve your lake water quality.

icon bullet point with Ixom Watercare fractle

2000 ml Water Sample Collection System

Comparable to the Lab-Line Water Sampler which is no longer available on the market. 

buttom link to the Ixom COVID-19 response from March 17, 2020

• Interested in a remote presentation or webinar?  Contact us to set one up!

Download Our Water Quality Solutions Brochure to learn how Medora can help improve all your water!

• Check out our Video Library for more educational videos and information!

icon bullet point with Ixom Watercare fractle

The MIEX® Mini

Fluidized Ion Exchange Pretreatment Specifically Designed for Smaller Packaged Plants

The MIEX® Mini is a packaged ion exchange system offering DOC reduction and other targeted species removal from water and wastewater streams in low flow applications. It is a scalable solution perfect for smaller packaged plants.

MIEX® Mini Features

• Standardized treatment modules of 50 to 300 gpm
• Low installation cost
• Low operating cost
• Small footprint
• Simple and reliable

MIEX® also has other, larger system designs to best fit your particular need.

Learn more about the MIEX® Mini below and contact us to discuss your particular application further!

icon image of a document to download learning material about the MIEX magnetic ion exchange water treatment systemApplication Bulletin: MIEX© Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal for DBP Reduction


Technical Note: Downstream Benefits of MIEX® Pretreatment


Technical Note: MIEX® Treatment Versus GAC for TOC Removal


button image to download the MIEX Mini (magnetic ion exchange system) brochure

icon bullet point with Ixom Watercare fractle

SolarBee® & AerationPlus© Active Circulation For Lakes

Control cyanobacteria. Improve your water quality.

image showing the SolarBee® active lake & reservoir circulation

Ixom's active lake circulation solutions can treat large areas with our leading solar-powered SolarBee® Lake Circulators (up to 35 acres per circulator) and smaller, nearshore areas with our air-powered AerationPlus© Lake & Pond Circulators(up to 5+ acres per circulator).

button image to download the SolarBee® Active Lake Circulator brochurebutton image to download the AerationPlus© Lake & Pond Circulator brochure

There are two types of targeted circulation that can help resolve a host of water quality problems.

Epilimnetic Circulation

diagram detailing SolarBee® epilimnetic circulation for lakes, reservoirs, and pondsThe circulator intake is set just above the thermocline or point of significant temperature stratification to circulate just the upper part of the water column.

• Prevents and controls cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms.
• Reduces taste and odor problems in drinking water reservoirs.
• Improves dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH levels throughout the circulation zone.
• Reduces invasive aquatic weeds & filamentous algae.

Hypolimnetic Circulation

diagram detailing SolarBee® hypolimnetic circulation for lakes, reservoirs, and pondsThe circulator intake is set deep in the reservoir below the thermocline to continuously bring up and expose bottom waters to the oxygen-rich epilimnion and atmosphere.

• Oxidizes manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe)
• Helps to prevent fish kills.
• Continuously de-gasses H2S.
• Reduces methyl-mercury (Hg).


Contact us to learn more how we can help improve your water quality via active lake circulation!

icon bullet point with Ixom Watercare fractle

Lake Learning Materials

Medora Corporation has compiled a two valuable reference guides to help you better understand lake vocabulary, processes and treatment options in laymen's terms.

button image to download the Lakes A To Z Help GuideThe "Lakes A To Z Help Guide" is just that, a quick and easy reference tool for all things involving lake water quality and treatment. Medora's lake knowledge is not only based on study, but also on real-world, on-the-water field work. We think this guide will prove to be a useful resource for lake & pond stakeholders as they work to maintain and improve their water quality.


image button to download the Seasonal Changes In Lakes PrimerThe "Seasonal Changes In Lakes Primer" will give you a very quick overview of lake behavior in the northern United States over the course of the four seasons. For lakes in the warmer, southern regions of the U.S. that don't experience winter ice over, the other three seasons spread out over more months to give these lakes a repeating cycle too.


icon bullet point with Ixom Watercare fractle

Lake Learning Featured Videos

Part 1: How Does A SolarBee Circulate A Lake?

Learn the ABCs of SolarBee Lake Circulator flow creation and circulation patterns used for cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) control.

Part 2: How Does SolarBee Control Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) In A Lake?

Learn the four likely cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) control mechanisms utilized by SolarBee® Lake Circulators in lakes and raw water reservoirs in this quick and easy four-minute video.

What is an AerationPlus© Lake & Pond Circulator?

The AerationPlus© Lake & Pond Circulator is a perfect circulation solution for private consumers and public entities looking to implement an effective & affordable circulation strategy for water quality improvement.


icon bullet point with Ixom Watercare fractle

Water Sample Collection System, 2000 mL2000 ml Water Sample Collection System

Comparable to the Lab-Line Water Sampler which is no longer available on the market. 

The versatile 2000 ml water sample collection system features ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMW), PVC and stainless steel hardware. The main body is only 17 inches with a 4.5 inch diameter and also features:

• Rope attachment point 
• Spring action opener 
• Handle 
• Seated plugs 
• Main body & lid (UHMW) 
• Isolated stainless steel weighted base 

Takes discreet or composite samples!

 button linking to the Water Sample Collection System, 2000 mL brochure and pricing


Need more information?

Give us a buzz at 866-437-8076 or
contact button for GridBee® SolarBee® Medora Corporation web pages
through our website!