In The Mix E-Newsletter- November / December 2019
In This Issue
• Featured Case Study- ResidualHQ© Automated Disinfectant Control System
• New! GS Series Control Panel With Door Mounted Amperage Read-Out
• Lake Learning- Two Helpful Guides
• Case Study- The AP500 Wet Well Mixer: Fight Wipes. Stop Clogs.
• Find Medora Corporation On Social Media!
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Featured Case Study- ResidualHQ© Automated Disinfectant Control System
Low residuals solved with reliable disinfectant monitoring, management & delivery.
This is a 200,000 gallon welded steel multi-leg elevated storage tank in a chloraminated system with a maximum flow of 200,000 gallons per day and a maximum flow rate of 700 gallons per minute. This tank suffered from consistently poor disinfectant residuals (as low as 0.1 ppm) and nitrification issues due to low usage / low turnover.
One (1) ResidualHQ© Automated Disinfectant Control System with one (1) GS Series submersible tank mixer were deployed to manage and maintain desired disinfectant residuals.
Since the ResidualHQ© was placed into operation, the Customer is able to consistently maintain desired disinfectant levels and improved water quality. The graph below illustrates how the ResidualHQ took this tank from a chronically low disinfectant condition to a steady and maintained state.
Contact Us to learn more how the ResidualHQ© Automated Disinfectant Control System can help you better manage disinfectant residuals in your distribution system!

New! GS Series Control Panel With Door Mounted Amperage Read-Out
Checking your GS Series tank mixer is now even easier!
The new GS Series Control Panel is a NEMA 4 rated enclosure with a convenient digital amperage read-out mounted on the exterior of the door. Not only can you get the exact amperage at a glance, the read-out is gre en when operation is normal and turns red if the amperage is ever out of range (high or low). Available for 120VAC and 240VAC power sources.
Learn more about GS Series Potable Tank Mixers.
Lake Learning- Two Helpful Guides
We included these two helpful guides in our last newsletter and they are back by popular demand! They have proven to be a useful resource for lake & pond stakeholders as they work to maintain and improve their water quality.
Cyanobacteria problems are becoming more prevalent across the United States. Active lake circulation has a long track record of success in combatting harmful algal blooms and SolarBee® & AerationPlus© Lake & Pond Circulators can help!
Do you have a lake project you'd like to discuss? Contact us!
Case Study- Wet Well Mixing Success- Fight Wipes! Stop Clogs!
The GridBee® AP500 mixer helps keep solids—such as wipes—in suspension as sheets instead of clumps and prevents lift station pumps from clogging. Mixing also helps reduce H2S odors and corrosion as well as grease buildup.
System Overview: This Municipality has several lift stations of differing dimensions which experience fat, oil and grease (FOG) build up. They were looking for a solution that was easily portable for use in different lift station wet wells across their system.
The Customer noted he had been looking for a solution to their FOG problem for several years. In one instance, they had tried an expensive grinder pump in one of their worst lift stations. It didn’t work well and the pump kept tipping over.
Wet Well Dimensions: 8 ft. X 8 ft.
Project Objectives: To reduce FOG and solids build-up.
Solution: One (1) GridBee® AP500 Air-Powered Lift Station Wet Well Mixer. (December 2018)
Results: The Customer reported the GridBee® AP500 had eliminated their FOG problem.
“Very impressed and happy with this unit we put in about a month ago. I put it on a timer and it only runs 3-4 hours per night. I’m sold on GridBee!!!”
Contact us to learn more about the AP500 Wet Well Mixer!
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