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IXOM Watercare
IXOM WTS - Water Treatment Systems
Water Treatment & Distribution System Solutions
Disinfection By-Product Reduction- THM / VOC
Mixing For Distribution Tanks
Disinfectant Residual Management
Ice Prevention In Tanks
Improving CT, Reduced Chlorine Usage & THM Formation
Improved Mixing In Rapid Mix Basins
Nitrification (Chloramine)
Potable Mega Reservoirs (30+MG)
Lake & Source Water Reservoir Solutions
Wastewater Collection & Treatment Solutions
Activated Sludge
Lagoon Systems
Equalization Basins
Pump / Lift Station Wet Well Mixing
Stormwater Retention Basin Mixing
Water Reuse Applications
Open Reservoirs
Storage Tanks
Industrial Water Applications
GridBee® SN Series THM & VOC Removal Solutions
SN15 In-Tank Spray Aeration System
SN10 In-Tank Spray Aeration System
SN5 In-Tank Spray Aeration System
SN1 Small Tank Spray Aeration System
In-Line THM & VOC Removal Stations
GridBee® GS Series Municipal Water Storage Tank Mixers
MIEX® Magnetic Ion Exchange Systems
ResidualHQ© Automated Disinfectant Control Systems
SolarBee® SB Series Solar-Powered Mixers
GF Series Grid-Powered Mixers
AP Series Air-Powered Mixers
AP500 Lift Station Wet Well Mixing
AerationPlus Lake & Pond Circulators
Model 1800
Model 2800
Accessory Equipment
Water Sample Collection System, 2000 mL
IXOM Watercare
Project Resources
>> Informational Bulletins
Informational Bulletins
Potable Water Systems
Informational Bulletin- Chlorine Residuals In A Newly Mixed Potable Water Storage Tank, A quick primer on what to expect. (ID1974)
Learning- The Breakpoint Chlorination Curve (ID544)
NSF, UL & CSA Certification Documentation (NSF/ANSI 61 and NSF/ANSI 372 For Drinking Water) (ID1851)
Published Article- Get Custom THM Stripping Without Breaking the Bank (Opflow, November 2017) (ID1978)
Informational Bulletin-Ice Prevention In Potable Water Tanks (ID1227)
Component Overview- ResidualHQ© Disinfectant Control System (ID2052)
Informational Bulletin- Trihalomethane (THM) Removal Results Bar Chart (ID1983)
Lakes & Raw Water Reservoirs
Lakes A to Z Help Guide (ID2122)
Seasonal Changes In Lakes (ID2123)
Informational Bulletin- Simple Jar & Stick Tests For Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) (ID1699)
Informational Bulletin- Common Sense Suggestions for Lake Restoration Projects (ID1328)
Comparison- Good Green Algae & Diatoms Vs. Harmful Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) (ID1749)
Informational Bulletin- Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) (ID964)
Informational Bulletin- Mechanisms For Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) Control Using Epilimnetic Circulation (ID1872)
Informational Bulletin- Adaptive Systems Approach & Freshwater Management Policy (ID1820)
Environmental Science & Technology Journal- Reducing Phosphorus to Curb Lake Eutrophication is a Success (ID1882)
Informational Bulletin- CDC- Animal Safety Alert Cyanobacteria Blooms (ID1847)
Informational Bulletin- The North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) calls for full implementation of the Clean Water Act with an Adaptive Systems Approach to Freshwater Management WQTC 2015 (ID1963)
Wastewater Systems
Learning- Enhance Your Existing Facultative Wastewater Lagoon System (ID33)
Learning- False High BOD Tests in Wastewater Lagoon Systems (ID1604)
Informational Bulletin- Duckweed: Problems & Solutions in Wastewater Ponds (ID1632)
Informational Bulletin- Sludge Testing Protocol (ID1637)
Informational Bulletin- Predict Mixing Requirements Using the Sludge Volume Index (ID1700)
Published Article- Tennessee Utility News- A Water Tank Guy Walks Into a Wastewater Plant... (AP500, AP Series) (ID1979)
Comparison-SolarBee® Odor Cap Mixing VS. Brush Aerators (ID272)
Stormwater Retention Basins
Lakes A to Z Help Guide (ID2122)
Seasonal Changes In Lakes (ID2123)
Informational Bulletin- Simple Jar & Stick Tests For Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) (ID1699)
Informational Bulletin- Common Sense Suggestions for Lake Restoration Projects (ID1328)
Comparison- Good Green Algae & Diatoms Vs. Harmful Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) (ID1749)
Informational Bulletin- Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) (ID964)
Informational Bulletin- Mechanisms For Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) Control Using Epilimnetic Circulation (ID1872)
Informational Bulletin- Adaptive Systems Approach & Freshwater Management Policy (ID1820)
Environmental Science & Technology Journal- Reducing Phosphorus to Curb Lake Eutrophication is a Success (ID1882)
Informational Bulletin- Florida Stormwater Education- Pollution Handout (ID1848)
Informational Bulletin- UDFCD Stormwater Retention (Wet) Pond Overview- Colorado (ID1849)
Informational Bulletin- CDC- Animal Safety Alert Cyanobacteria Blooms (ID1847)
Water Re-Use
Informational Bulletin- Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) (ID964)
Industrial Water
Learning- Enhance Your Existing Facultative Wastewater Lagoon System (ID33)
Learning- False High BOD Tests in Wastewater Lagoon Systems (ID1604)
Informational Bulletin- Duckweed: Problems & Solutions in Wastewater Ponds (ID1632)
Informational Bulletin- Sludge Testing Protocol (ID1637)
Informational Bulletin- Predict Mixing Requirements Using the Sludge Volume Index (ID1700)
Published Article- Tennessee Utility News- A Water Tank Guy Walks Into a Wastewater Plant... (AP500, AP Series) (ID1979)